I’m getting a lot of questions about how we manage to work from home and also teach our children at home, so I decided to make a quick video for you all with my tips for making it all happen.
Head over to YouTube to watch and let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!

Also, I promised a quick outline of our daily schedule, so here it is. Keep in mind that this is what works for us! Watch my video for tips on discovering what will work best for you.
Family Rhythm
Parents wake and have personal time/showers
Kids wake and read/relax for a bit
Kids empty the dishwasher
7:30 Breakfast and morning meeting
Kids personal hygiene
Kids exercise time (walk dog, bike trainer, treadmill, play outside)
Chores for adults and kids
School work and music practice (parent available to teach and oversee)
12 Lunch prep, eating and clean up
Parents work and children work/play independently on projects (also scheduled lessons/playdates at this time)
5 dinner prep, eating and clean up
Family time
8:30 Kids bedtime
Adult work/relax time
10 Adult bedtime
And here is the list of my favorite resources for helping you get through this time!
Teaching at Home Resources:
Get organized–my Balance Planner
Awesome video and blog for even more resources and ideas https://jojoebi.com/how-to-homeschool-and-work-from-home
Corona Virus: A Realistic Guide to Coping, Communicating and Keeping Calmhttps://www.facebook.com/Multisori/photos/a.321357685308505/635168750594062/?type=3&theater
For extra math and language practice https://www.khanacademy.org Preschool phonics at home https://lisaadele.com/free-phonics-activity For worksheets and projects http://www.education.com
For free Bible lessons http://www.gracelink.org
Science lessons http://www.backpacksciences.com/science-simplified
Earth sciences, rocks minerals and fossils www.fossilicious.com
Piano lessons http://www.Hoffmanacademy.org
Art lessons https://waldorfish.com
If your school isn’t providing anything and you want a curriculum
Timberdoodle sells awesome grade-level kits
Easy Peasy All in One schooling is a free, complete curriculum for Christian families
K12 is the online public school option
Montessori-specific Homeschool Resources:
Parenting with Kristen https://parentingwithkristen.com/2020/03/15/what-to-do-with-your-children-during-this-time-of-crisis-begin-with-routine-and-structure/ also facebook groups https://www.facebook.com/The-Second-Plane-Classroom-Culture-108182220804911/ and https://www.facebook.com/parentingwithkristen/
Trillium Montessori Groups:
Infant/toddler group https://www.facebook.com/groups/222600555526109/?hc_location=ufi
Primary 3-6 group https://www.facebook.com/groups/505430923483302/?hc_location=ufi
Elementary group https://www.facebook.com/groups/2752976171483331/?hc_location=ufi
DIY Montessori—Teaching from a Tackle box http://www.tackleboxmontessori.com/ also a facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/tackleboxmontessori/
Free printable from Montessori Tube Academy https://www.montessoritubeacademy.com/
Free downloads from TPT https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:Montessori/Price-Range/Free
Free albums for 3-6 InfoMontessori.com
Great toddler activities https://www.mamashappyhive.com
Printables for toddlers http://www.littlesparkcompany.com/printables-library
Montessori apps Montessorium.com
Montessori Math kits with teaching instruction for 3-6 https://mathessori.com
Montessori printables for 3-12 https://montessorikiwi.com/?afmc=branch&utm_campaign=branch&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=affiliate
Fun Montessori-style trays to keep little ones busy http://www.plentyoftrays.com and cooking resource https://plentyoftrays.com/pr…/the-independent-kid-ecookbook/
Fun extras
Nature Journaling
All-in-one woodworking and engineering program from Hands 4 Building
Waldorf craft kits and other fun ideas from HeartFelt
Pacific Science Center at home
Berliner Philharmoniker for free symphony concerts
Virtual museums tours
Kiddle is a kids safe online encyclopedia
A TON of enrichment ideas on this spreadsheet
Thanks, Jennifer!